Gambia <3 – Part 1

March 22, 2012 § 3 Comments

As promised, my photos from my trip to Gambia. We travelled to Banjul, Gambia and stayed at the amazing Coco Ocean Resort and Spa. It was a short trip, but I had an amazing time. I wish I could have stayed longer, so maybe I’ll go back there some time 😉

Airport Kiosks

By the reception at Coco Ocean

My very own presidential suite

Private pool, because I'm worth it. My travel companions called me "princess" for the entire trip 😉

Princess Jenny chillin' in her suite

Didn't go in...

We had dinner at the Ngala Lodge one night. It was the strangest, most wonderful place. Sort of like Alice’s wonderland mixed with africa and disney world.

All the pathways at the Ngala Lodge were made up of sea shells



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